Thursday, October 28, 2010

ya Allah berikanla ku kekuatan..

current feeling: don't know's abstract..suddenly..all the things went wrong..maybe ni sume due to pressure exam just around the corner.. a small matter can ignitiate/triggered jdi matter yg besar..

that's way the caption above mintak tlong dr Allah agar segale dpermudahkan n beri kekuatan kpd hamba ni..rase cm sumthing's wrong...

okla..kwn2 doakn saya agar kuat..
terima kasih~


  1. insyaallah...tsiqah mesti boleh..yakin pada diri..go tsiqah go..=)

  2. cqah yang eqa knal sgt kuat n tabah orangye...
    setiap masalah yg dtg adlh dugaan dr Allah...Hanya untuk menguji kite....
    Cqah sabar ye....ade pape problem just cite je kat eqa a good listener u know...hehe~..:)

  3. syaal n eqa:thanka a lot gurls!!!insyaAllah..i will bcome stronger and stronger!!huhu
