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rything from skincare to fragrances. they provide free shipping (four-six posting days for major cities,seven-10 posting days for others) too for everything except fragrances and cologne.
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credits to : FEMALE magazine
Friday, November 25, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
im kind off cuak-ing wif all the subject that i have yet not revised n my thesis that doesnt go anywhere bcoz of my laziness..adeh..blame on me..
gotta study now,baru finish blogwalking...
target : finish labs and I REALLY wanna be a supervisor!!!InsyaAllah...
im kind off cuak-ing wif all the subject that i have yet not revised n my thesis that doesnt go anywhere bcoz of my laziness..adeh..blame on me..
gotta study now,baru finish blogwalking...
target : finish labs and I REALLY wanna be a supervisor!!!InsyaAllah...
Monday, October 24, 2011
Secrets of Straight-A Students
Today, im going to share about an interesting article from Reader's Digest.Have fun reading u ols!
Today, im going to share about an interesting article from Reader's Digest.Have fun reading u ols!
Everyone knows about straight-A students. We see them frequently in TV sitcoms and in movies like Revenge of the Nerds. They get high grades, all right, but only by becoming dull grinds, their noses always stuck in a book. They’re klutzes at sports and dweebs when it comes to the opposite sex.
How, then, do we account for Domenica Roman or Paul Melendres?
Roman is on the tennis team at Fairmont (W.Va.) Senior High School. She also sings in the choral ensemble, serves on the student council and is a member of the mathematics society. For two years she has maintained a 4.0 grade-point average (GPA), meaning A’s in every subject.
Melendres, now a freshman at the University of New Mexico, was student-body president at Valley High School in Albuquerque. He played varsity soccer and junior- varsity basketball, exhibited at the science fair, was chosen for the National Honor Society and National Association of Student Councils and did student commentaries on a local television station. Valedictorian of his class, he achieved a GPA of 4.4 — straight A’s in his regular classes, plus bonus points for A’s in two college-level honors courses.
How do super-achievers like Roman and Melendres do it? Brains aren’t the only answer. “Top grades don’t always go to the brightest students,” declares Herbert Walberg, professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who has conducted major studies of super-achieving students. “Knowing how to make the most of your innate abilities counts for more. Infinitely more.”
In fact, Walberg says, students with high I.Q.s sometimes don’t do as well as classmates with lower I.Q.s. For them, learning comes too easily and they never find out how to buckle down.
Hard work isn’t the whole story, either. “It’s not how long you sit there with the books open,” said one of the many A students we interviewed. “It’s what you do while you’re sitting.” Indeed, some of these students actually put in fewer hours of homework time than their lower-scoring classmates.
The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can readily learn. Here, according to education experts and students themselves, are the secrets of straight-A students.
Set priorities. Top students brook no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is booted up, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business; business comes before recreation.
Study anywhere — or everywhere. Claude Olney, an Arizona State University business professor assigned to tutor failing college athletes, recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Olney persuaded him to use the time to memorize biology terms. Another student posted a vocabulary list by the medicine cabinet. He learned a new word every day while brushing his teeth.
Among the students we interviewed, study times were strictly a matter of personal preference. Some worked late at night when the house was quiet. Others awoke early. Still others studied as soon as they came home from school when the work was fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. “Whatever I was doing, I maintained a slot every day for studying,” says Ian McCray, a Middlebury College student from New Jersey.
Get organized. In high school, McCray ran track, played rugby and was in the band and orchestra. “I was so busy, I couldn’t waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. I kept everything right where I could put my hands on it,” he says.
Paul Melendres maintains two folders — one for the day’s assignments, another for papers completed and graded. Traci Tsuchiguchi, a top student at Clovis West High School in Fresno, Calif., has another system. She immediately files the day’s papers in color-coded folders by subject so they’ll be available for review at exam time.
Even students who don’t have a private study area remain organized. A backpack or drawer keeps essential supplies together and cuts down on time-wasting searches.
Learn how to read. ”The best class I ever took,” says Christopher Campbell, who graduated from Moore (Okla.) High School last spring, “was speed-reading. I not only increased my words per minute but also learned to look at a book’s table of contents, graphs and pictures first. Then, when I began to read, I had a sense of the material, and I retained a lot more.”
In his book Getting Straight A’s, Gordon W. Green, Jr., says the secret of good reading is to be “an active reader — one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author’s message.”
Schedule your time. When a teacher assigns a long paper, Domenica Roman draws up a timetable, dividing the project into small pieces so it isn’t so overwhelming.
“It’s like eating a steak,” she says. “You chew it one bite at a time.”
Melendres researches and outlines a report first, then tries to complete the writing in one long push over a weekend. “I like to get it down on paper early, so I have time to polish and review.”
Of course, even the best students procrastinate sometimes. But when that happens, they face up to it. “Sometimes it comes down to late nights,” admits Christi Anderson, an athlete, student-council member and top student at Lyman High School in Presho, S.D. “Still, if you want A’s, you make sure to hit the deadline.”
Take good notes – and use them. “Reading the textbook is important,” says Melendres, “but the teacher is going to test you on what he or she emphasized. That’s what you find in your notes.”
The top students also take notes while reading the text assignment. In fact, David Cieri of Holy Cross High School in Delran, N.J., uses “my homemade” system in which he draws a line down the center of a notebook, writes notes from the text on one side and those from the teacher’s lecture on the other. Then he is able to review both aspects of the assignment at once.
Just before the bell rings, most students close their books, put away papers, whisper to friends and get ready to rush out. Anderson uses those few minutes to write a two- or three-sentence summary of the lesson’s principal points, which she scans before the next day’s class.
Clean up your act. Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones. “The student who turns in a neat paper,” says Professor Olney, “is already on the way to an A. It’s like being served a cheeseburger. No matter how good it really is, you can’t believe it tastes good if it’s presented on a messy plate.”
Speak up. ”If I don’t understand the principle my teacher is explaining in economics, I ask him to repeat it,” says Christopher Campbell. Class participation goes beyond merely asking questions, though. It’s a matter of showing intellectual curiosity.
In a lecture on capitalism and socialism, for example, Melendres asked the teacher how the Chinese economy could be both socialist and market-driven, without incurring some of the problems that befell the former Soviet Union. “I don’t want to memorize information for tests only,” says Melendres. “Better grades come from better understanding.”
Study together. The value of hitting the books together was demonstrated in an experiment at the University of California at Berkeley. While a graduate student there, Uri Treisman observed a freshman calculus class in which Asian-Americans, on average, scored higher than other minority students from similar academic backgrounds. Treisman found that the Asian-Americans discussed homework problems together, tried different approaches and explained their solutions to one another.
The others, by contrast, studied alone, spent most of their time reading and rereading the text, and tried the same approach time after time even if it was unsuccessful. On the basis of his findings, Treisman suggested teaching group-study methods in the course. Once that was done, the groups performed equally well.
Test yourself. As part of her note-taking, Domenica Roman highlights points she thinks may be covered during exams. Later she frames tentative test questions based on those points and gives herself a written examination before test day. “If I can’t answer the question satisfactorily, I go back and review,” she says.
Experts confirm what Roman has figured out for herself. Students who make up possible test questions often find many of the same questions on the real exam and thus score higher.
Do more than you’re asked. If her math teacher assigns five problems, Christi Anderson does ten. If the world-history teacher assigns eight pages of reading, she reads 12. “Part of learning is practicing,” says Anderson. “And the more you practice, the more you learn.”
The most important “secret” of the super-achievers is not so secret. For almost all straight-A students, the contribution of their parents was crucial. From infancy, the parents imbued them with a love for learning. They set high standards for their kids, and held them to those standards. They encouraged their sons and daughters in their studies but did not do the work for them. In short, the parents impressed the lessons of responsibility on their kids, and the kids delivered.
IMPRESSSIVE RITE ? the secret is no longer a secret..we can take notes on these tips while dun forget that the point that we are in this world is to collect/obtain/do more deeds that can be our saham for a muslim,dun ever forget ur niat,niat belajar kerana Allah..everything we do is because of Allah..InsyaAllah,with Allah's bless we could be a successful muslim ...ameen..
courtesy of
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Six easy ways to earn even after death
today im going to share with all of u the six easy ways to earn even after death..
today im going to share with all of u the six easy ways to earn even after death..
- Give a copy of quran to someone. Each time one reads from it, you gain.
- Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time sick person uses it, you gain.
- Participate in building a masjid.
- Place watercooler in a public place.
- Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.
- And the easiest of all, share this message with people. Even 1 applies any of the above, you gain.
dan sebenarnya...ade banyak cr yg kite as a muslim can do in order to get blessing from Allah ..
Semoga kita sama-sama mendapat kebaikan daripada ilmu yang disampaikan ini..may Allah bless all of us..
jum pakat share!
courtesy from Fatin Liyana n Sherah ..
Friday, October 21, 2011
7 kalimat yang harus dibiasakan
Assalamualaikum,harini entri mengenai 7 kalimat yang harus dibiasakan/harus/WAJIB kita amalkan..
1.Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim :)
Setiap hendak melakukan sesuatu.
2.Alhamdulillah :)
Setiap habis melakukan sesuatu.
3.Astaghfirullah :)
jika melakukan sesuatu yg buruk.
4.Insya Allah :)
jika ingin melakukan sesuatu pada masa yang akan datang.
5.Laa hawla walaaquwwata illaah billaah :)
bila tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu yang agak berat/melihat hal yang buruk.
6.Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rojiun :)
jika melihat/menghadapi musibah.
7.Lailaha illallah :)
bacalah siang dan malam sebanyak2nya.
Rasulullah bersabda :)
"Barang siapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yg mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang
menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala"
jadi marilah kita same2 mengamalkan amalan ini...
peringatan ini untuk diri sendiri dan juga kawan2 di luar sana (^^)Y..
courtesy of On Balai Islam..
p/s: sape nk share dipersilakan~~~
Assalamualaikum,harini entri mengenai 7 kalimat yang harus dibiasakan/harus/WAJIB kita amalkan..
1.Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim :)
Setiap hendak melakukan sesuatu.
2.Alhamdulillah :)
Setiap habis melakukan sesuatu.
3.Astaghfirullah :)
jika melakukan sesuatu yg buruk.
4.Insya Allah :)
jika ingin melakukan sesuatu pada masa yang akan datang.
5.Laa hawla walaaquwwata illaah billaah :)
bila tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu yang agak berat/melihat hal yang buruk.
6.Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rojiun :)
jika melihat/menghadapi musibah.
7.Lailaha illallah :)
bacalah siang dan malam sebanyak2nya.
Rasulullah bersabda :)
"Barang siapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yg mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang
menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala"
jadi marilah kita same2 mengamalkan amalan ini...
peringatan ini untuk diri sendiri dan juga kawan2 di luar sana (^^)Y..
courtesy of On Balai Islam..
p/s: sape nk share dipersilakan~~~
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone,
let me re-started back as i thought i havent introduce myself in a proper way..
my name is Nur Tsiqah Mohd Nasir,currently a chemistry student in University Malaya and currently a Independent Herbalife Distributor...
What is that?
well, anyone that have weight issues (anything ,like u want to lose weight ke ,gain weight ke,masalah jerawat ka,senggugut ka,migrain...etc)...insyaAllah dgn izin Allah segala masalah anda akan selesai..
anyone yg nk free consultation n nk main timbng2 berat bdn ke ,nk tau body fat range ke...just give a call 0162037477 or u cn give me message via my email
i can help u but only for serious people yg betul2 jujur nk lose weight okey?
okey ,this blog suppose to be medium of dakwah n im thinking this is just the way i will do it...although there will be a lot of herbalife stories n everyone (or someone) would say " kata blog ni tuk medium dakwah,xmcm pun" n i would say "saya hanya menyampaikan fakta yg betul shj,dn ini adalah betul"
sape kate medium tuk dakwah hanyala dlm bentuk tazkirah,ceramah,quote,cerita nabi...actually sumer bende asalkan halal di sisi Allah adalah medium tuk dakwah...kawan2 luaskan pemikiran anda...n yg penting skali husnu zon (bersangka baik) dgn apa2 skali pun...
p/s: untuk peringatan diri sendiri yg rase mcm iman kadang2 naik trun,naik turun...husnu zon cqa, husnu zon...
let me re-started back as i thought i havent introduce myself in a proper way..
my name is Nur Tsiqah Mohd Nasir,currently a chemistry student in University Malaya and currently a Independent Herbalife Distributor...
What is that?
well, anyone that have weight issues (anything ,like u want to lose weight ke ,gain weight ke,masalah jerawat ka,senggugut ka,migrain...etc)...insyaAllah dgn izin Allah segala masalah anda akan selesai..
anyone yg nk free consultation n nk main timbng2 berat bdn ke ,nk tau body fat range ke...just give a call 0162037477 or u cn give me message via my email
i can help u but only for serious people yg betul2 jujur nk lose weight okey?
okey ,this blog suppose to be medium of dakwah n im thinking this is just the way i will do it...although there will be a lot of herbalife stories n everyone (or someone) would say " kata blog ni tuk medium dakwah,xmcm pun" n i would say "saya hanya menyampaikan fakta yg betul shj,dn ini adalah betul"
sape kate medium tuk dakwah hanyala dlm bentuk tazkirah,ceramah,quote,cerita nabi...actually sumer bende asalkan halal di sisi Allah adalah medium tuk dakwah...kawan2 luaskan pemikiran anda...n yg penting skali husnu zon (bersangka baik) dgn apa2 skali pun...
p/s: untuk peringatan diri sendiri yg rase mcm iman kadang2 naik trun,naik turun...husnu zon cqa, husnu zon...
Friday, July 8, 2011
Islamic Cultural Spot in Itaewon ,Korea

Assalamualaikum everyone,
im come back with new entry today entitled as above~
Itaewon : a city district in Yongsan-gu,Seoul, South Korea. it is easy accesible via subway and often described as foreign country within Korea. It is actually for a muslim visitor who find it hard to get halal food and there is a mosque also known as Seoul Central Mosque..
see..even Allah dah permudahkan jalan untuk org musafir nie..even korea pun dah ade Islamic Culture centre, so doesn't mean that if we travel around we can't perform our prayer..anywhere also can...I found this interesting fact and I think people should know about this..
p/s: actually teringin nk travel to Korea..hmm biler la agaknyer dpt..insyaAllah ,if Allah willing anytime bole pegy kan..ameen~~
for more info visit this website :
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Trip to Melaka part 1~
hi everyone..long time i didnt post any entry eyh?
this is coz..
i've been to Melaka last friday 18 feb 2011..
for HE fun and blast indeed..syukran ya Allah..i've given the oppurtunity to been there and see YOUR creature..
it was awesome...
the first day:-
supposely our bus depart at 2pm but it was delayed to we perform our prayer and wait for the bus (at this time i feel super hungry coz i havent lunch,so we go around n search for the food) 5.30pm we arrived at the Melaka Central n we search for mini bus to go to Mahkota Parade (it was like metro bus over here in KL)..
then we arrived at Mahkota Parade (MP) n we look for our hotel (Hotel Johan) ,actually we almost lost but then with the help of one of our member , we found Hotel Johan ..alhamdullillah..yeay!..
next we got rest n after maghrib we went out to look for food (our dinner haha)..then we found one stall behind the hotel ( i ate nasi lemak kukus ayam goreng,wow isn't it?haha)doesnt care about the calories anymore..huhu..
after dat we jalan-jalan around the town(this is my favorite part)..
we went to Menara Taming Sari ,it's juz like menara kuala lumpur but their different is we went all the way up n we can see the view from's juz like a machine that brought us it is?
then afterward we went to Pahlawan Market Uptown..juz like Uptown market overhere..the sell everything from souvenirs to clothes,bags ,shoes and so on..then we r so lucky coz one of our member (her cousin) brought us to one of the market at the Jonker Walk..'s juz like Chinatown..
they sell a lot of china thingy and traditional things n one more thing is so cheap! so rambang mata..but still i cn control it..
juz bought few souvenirs and things for me ...haha..
okey will continue later..ciao..wassalam..
Saturday, February 12, 2011
cinta ~ber'couple' perlu ke??
Assalamualaikum ..ya ukhti ya akhi...sahabat sumer..
sebenarnye entri dituju ke sempena tau2 je la kan...ape ade 14 feb nie?karut je sumer ni...
so when we talked about love what is ur ist impression?hah..pikir2 la sendiri...dah besar panjang kan..
nk berkongsi sebenarnye dgn satu artikel that i have read..
utk peringatan kepada sumer dn juge kpd diri sendiri..
Apa itu Ber'couple'?
Ber'couple' merupakan suatu tradisi yang telah dibudayakan oleh masyarakat remaja kini. Bermula dgn saling bpandangan mata,kemudian saling mengutusa senyuman dan cinta pun mula berputik.Bila dh cukup sedia,masing-masing 'masuk line'. Ada yg berbalas-balas nota, bagi yg lebih 'advance' gune sms, FB, dn sebagainya. Akhirnya bila dah suka sama suka, terjalinlah ikatan percintaan dan kemudian mula pula ber'couple'.
Mengapa Ber'couple' Haram?
Persoalan utama di sini ialah MENGAPA??? Sebagai seorg muslim, utk mjawab persoalan ini, kita perlulah merujuk kepada Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Dalil yg lebih kuat menentang hubungan percintaan ini tdapat dalam Surah Al-Israa'(17) ayat 32:
"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yg keji dan sesuatu jalan yang buruk."
Selalu juga kan dgr ayat ni? Tetapi yg sedihnya, ramai yg apabila dtegur dgn ayat ini akn menjawab,"Mana ada kami berzina. Kami berbual-bual je" , " Kami keluar makan je" dan " Kami main SMS je". Dan pelbagai 1001 alasan lagi.
Para pembaca,cube teliti semula firman Allah tadi.Dalam ayat ini, Allah melarang kita MENDEKATI zina, bukan MELAKUKAN zina. Allah menggunakan kalimah 'walaa taqrobuu' (jangan hampiri) dan bukannya kalimah 'walaa ta'maluu' (jangan melakukan). Ini menunjukan, walaupun kita hanya mendekati zina, ia sudah pun HARAM!
Mungkin ada yg tidak jelas dgn maksud menghampiri di sini. Biar kita ambil contoh, jarak kita dgn dewan adlh 50 meter. Apabila kita melangkah setapak ke arah dewan, jarak antara kita dan dewan adalah 49.8 meter. Inilah dikatakan mghampiri dewan. jadi, bercinta sebelum berkahwin dan ber'couple' adalah menghampiri zina, dan menghampiri zina adalah HARAM.
Bagaimana pula dgn hadis rasul kita, Nabi Muhammad SAW? Dalam hadis,baginda telah memperincikan jenis-jenis zina. Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a katanya, Nabi SAW bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya Allah Ta'ala telah menetapkan nasib anak Adam mengenai zina. Tidak mustahil dia pernah melakukannya. Zina mata ialah memandang.Zina lidah ialah berkata.Zina hati ialah keinginan dan syahwat,sedangkan faraj (kemaluan) hanya menuruti atau tidak menuruti"
Apabila kita memandang Si dia dgn sengaja,menatapi wajahnya, zina mata berlaku. Apabila lidah kita digunakan utk mengeluarkn kata-kata manis utk memenangi hati Si dia,lidah pula berzina. Apabila kt mdengar serta mnghayati kelunakan suaranya,telinga berzina. Apabila berpegangan tgn,bjalan bersama ke arah mghampiri zina,tangan dn kaki berzina. Tetapi, yg paling bahaya ialah, apabila kt merindui Si dia,memikir-mikirkan tentangnya,kecantikannya,ketampanannya,zina tetap berlaku.
Sudah terang lagikan bersuluh,percintaan sebelum berkahwin dn bercouple adalah mghampiri zina dn hukumnya adlah HARAM. Semoga kite sumer muhasabah diri sendiri dn memilih BERCINTA SELEPAS KAHWIN yg jauh lg manis dn indah. Ayuh kita kembali kpd Allah yg kaya dgn sifat penyayang itu....Dan sesungguhnya pintu taubat Allah sentiasa terbuka utk hambaNYA...
thanks WACANA~
sedih oh sedih
entri kali nie berbaur sedih..
tp sy percaya setiap ujian melanda pasti ade hikmahnye dan Allah xkan bebankan hambanya dgn sesuatu yang hambanya xmampu..
along last week ,a lot of thing happen that sadden me
tp xpayah la citer kan..yang share skang nie...
sy terkesan dengan novel islamiah karangan hilal asyaf...
terutamanya...situasi skang nie boleh digandingkan dengan surah al-ankabut ayat 2-3
"Apakah manusia itu mengira, mereka akan dibiarkan berkata: Kami telah beriman, sedangkan mereka belum diuji? Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah menguji orang-orang terdahulu daripada mereka, maka (dengan ujian yang demikian) nyata apa yang diketahui-Nya tentang orang-orang yang sebenar-benarnya beriman,dan nyata pula apa yang diketahui-Nya tentang orang-orang yang berdusta."
so ape yg sy rase skang,betul k saya ni dh cukup beriman ,sedangkan Allah xuji dgn ujian yg berat until la last week,on friday Allah telah uji saya dgn ujian yg sy rase xmampu nk tanggung..n it make me realize rase selame nie sy belajar bukn nk cari redha Allah but somehow i noe now that when we believe in Allah for everything,He will help us...
insyaAllah ,saye berusaha mjadi muslimah yg baik disamping istiqamah menetapkan niat saya ikhlas kerana Allah...
n juz now..
sedih tau..
xpela Allah nk uji aku nie.. really become fragile right now..
Ya Allah,berikanla aku kekuatan utk mengharungi hidup nie...
i noe waktu zaman Nabi, (S.A.W) lagi la,Nabi menerima pelbagai ancaman n ujian yet Nabi dpt go thru all of that...oh ya Rasulullah aku merindui mu...kan bagus kalo Nabi ade skang, bole mintak nasihat /tarbiyah skit pasal ujian2 yg aku lalui skang...
alhamdulillah i still have family that support me,n my frens ,,thanks a lot...hanya Allah yg boleh mbalas jasa anda2 sumer...moga kite sumer di bawah lindungan Allah SWT...
thanks for reading~
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
memoirs + workloads
As salam..everyone..
huhu..dah lama rasenyer xupdate my blog..
since sem 2 have began so i started to get a little bit busy..
and since my project have been postponed and i do feel relieved actually..and everything happen has hikmah..
Allah has decide what is the best for me..and i should redha ..n i am now..
well..a lot of things have tought me on how to be human a.k.a manusia..
due to a lot of induksi and talks from senior2 , abg joe n abg zaki (i thinks it is abg zaki,kinda have short term memory here) wake me up..
all that i can said is KKAAX XIV make me realise what is actually that i want..
insyaAllah.. i hope i can istiqomah in everything i do..n im still in the phase of "menjadi baik"
i want to be a good muslimah,a good daughter, a good fren , a good sister n a good muslimah to evryone..
i do need a lot of courage and need to do a lot of readings . Oh Allah ,help me n guide me to ur me to fulfill my promises as there's no one that i can seek help except U, Ya Allah..ameen..
currently works that i have to do now:
-documentation for ptb51
-english presentation (introduction)
-re-arrange my notes (keep it organize)
-finish reading on romanticism : a satan weapon
-name list
i think thats all n hopefully i get finish it all b4 end of mid-sem break..
till then daaa~~
huhu..dah lama rasenyer xupdate my blog..
since sem 2 have began so i started to get a little bit busy..
and since my project have been postponed and i do feel relieved actually..and everything happen has hikmah..
Allah has decide what is the best for me..and i should redha ..n i am now..
well..a lot of things have tought me on how to be human a.k.a manusia..
due to a lot of induksi and talks from senior2 , abg joe n abg zaki (i thinks it is abg zaki,kinda have short term memory here) wake me up..
all that i can said is KKAAX XIV make me realise what is actually that i want..
insyaAllah.. i hope i can istiqomah in everything i do..n im still in the phase of "menjadi baik"
i want to be a good muslimah,a good daughter, a good fren , a good sister n a good muslimah to evryone..
i do need a lot of courage and need to do a lot of readings . Oh Allah ,help me n guide me to ur me to fulfill my promises as there's no one that i can seek help except U, Ya Allah..ameen..
currently works that i have to do now:
-documentation for ptb51
-english presentation (introduction)
-re-arrange my notes (keep it organize)
-finish reading on romanticism : a satan weapon
-name list
i think thats all n hopefully i get finish it all b4 end of mid-sem break..
till then daaa~~
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